Contributing to echopype#


We welcome your contributions, large or small!

  • Contributions to both code and documentation via Pull Requests are highly appreciated

  • Bug reports, feature requests, and questions via Issues are also welcome

Contributing on GitHub#

Bug reports, feature requests, questions#

Please ask questions, report bugs, or request new features via GitHub issues. If you’re new to GitHub, checking out these tips for creating issues on GitHub.

Contributions to code and documentation#

We use the fork-branch-pull request (PR) workflow to add new code into Echopype. If you are new to this workflow, check out this tutorial.

We have recently moved away from Gitflow development to trunk-based development to streamline the process and reduce repo management overhead. The main thing to keep in mind is to set the PR target to the main branch in the upstream repository (the one sitting under the OSOceanAcoustics GitHub organization). We will no longer use a dev branch.

We encourage all code contributions to be accompanied by tests and documentations when appropriate. We may ask for these when reviewing the PRs. If you have added new tests but the GitHub Actions for continuous integration need approval to run, ping the maintainers (@leewujung, @ctuguinay) to get them started.

Development environment#

To create an environment for developing Echopype, we recommend the following steps:

  1. Fork the Echopype repository following the guide above, clone your fork, then in git remote set your fork as the origin and the OSOceanAcoustics repository as upstream:

    # Clone your fork
    git clone
    # Go into the cloned repo folder
    cd echopype
    # Add the OSOceanAcoustics repository as upstream
    git remote add upstream
  2. Create a conda environment using the conda-forge channel, and follow the steps below:

    # Create a conda environment using the supplied requirements files
    # Note the last one docs/requirements.txt is only required for building docs
    conda create -c conda-forge -n echopype --yes python=3.9 --file requirements.txt --file requirements-dev.txt --file docs/requirements.txt
    # Switch to the newly built environment
    conda activate echopype
    # ipykernel is recommended, in order to use with JupyterLab and IPython for development
    # We recommend you install JupyterLab separately
    conda install -c conda-forge ipykernel
    # install echopype in editable mode (setuptools "develop mode")
    # plot is an extra set of requirements that can be used for plotting.
    # the command will install all the dependencies along with plotting dependencies.
    pip install -e ".[plot]"


It’s common to encounter the situation that installing packages using Conda is slow or fails, because Conda is unable to resolve dependencies. We suggest using Mamba to get around this. See Mamba’s documentation for installation and usage. One can replace conda with mamba in the above commands when creating the environment and installing additional packages.

Testing infrastructure#

Test data files#

Currently, test data are stored in a private Google Drive folder and made available via the cormorack/http Docker image on Docker hub. The image is rebuilt daily when new test data are added. If your tests require adding new test data, ping the maintainers (@leewujung, @ctuguinay) to get them added to the the Google Drive.

In the near future we plan to migrate all test data to GitHub Release Assets, to keep test data versioned and directly associated with the repo.

Running the tests#

To run the echopype unit tests found in echopype/tests, Docker needs to be installed. docker-compose is also needed, but it should already be installed in the development environment created above.

To run the tests:

# Install and/or deploy the echopype docker containers for testing.
# Test data files will be downloaded
python .ci_helpers/docker/ --deploy

# Run all the tests. But first make sure the
# echopype development conda environment is activated
python .ci_helpers/ --local --pytest-args="-vv"

# When done, "tear down" the docker containers
python .ci_helpers/docker/ --tear-down

The tests include reading and writing from locally set up (via docker) http and S3 object-storage sources, the latter via minio.

.ci_helpers/ will execute all tests. The entire test suite can take a few minutes to run. You can use to run only tests for specific subpackages (convert, calibrate, etc) by passing a comma-separated list:

# Run only tests associated with the calibrate and mask subpackages
python .ci_helpers/ --local --pytest-args="-vv" echopype/calibrate/,echopype/mask/

or specific test files by passing a comma-separated list:

# Run only tests in the and files
python .ci_helpers/ --local --pytest-args="-vv"  echopype/tests/convert/,echopype/tests/clean/

For usage information, use the -h argument:

`python .ci_helpers/ -h`

pre-commit hooks#

The echopype development conda environment includes pre-commit, and useful pre-commit “hooks” have been configured in the .pre-commit-config.yaml file. Current hooks include file formatting (linting) checks (trailing spaces, trailing lines, JSON and YAML format checks, etc) and Python style autoformatters (PEP8 / flake8, black and isort).

To run pre-commit hooks locally, run pre-commit install before running the docker setup-service deploy statement described above. The hooks will run automatically during git commit and will give you options as needed before committing your changes. You can also run pre-commit before actually doing git commit as you edit the code, by running pre-commit run --all-files. See the pre-commit usage documentation for details.


Function and object docstrings#

For inline strings documenting functions and objects (“docstrings”), we use the numpydoc style (Numpy docstring format).

General setup#

Echopype documentation ( is based on Jupyter Book, which are rendered under the hood with Sphinx. The documentation is hosted on Read The Docs.

To build the documentation locally, run:

jupyter-book build docs/source --path-output docs

To view the HTML files generated by Jupyter Book, open docs/_build/html/index.html in your browser.

For some quick orientation of where things are:

  • The documentation package dependencies are in docs/requirements.txt

  • The documentation source files are in the docs/source directory

  • The Jupyter Book configurations is in docs/source/_config.yml

  • The table of contents for the sidebar is in docs/source/_toc.yml


ReadTheDocs defaults to having its stable version tracking the most recent release and the main version tracking the latest changes in the main branch of the repository. We follow this pattern for our documentation. See RTD Versions for more information.

GitHub Actions for continuous integration (CI)#

When a PR is created, the CI will run through all tests, basic spelling and formatting checks (via pre-commit), and build the documentation. You can check the test results in a section at the bottom of the PR like below: ci_runs

To see the newly built documentation, click “Details” to the right of the docs/ entry shown above.