- echopype.clean.mask_transient_noise(ds_Sv: Dataset, func: str = 'nanmean', depth_bin: str = '10m', num_side_pings: int = 25, exclude_above: str = '250.0m', transient_noise_threshold: str = '12.0dB', range_var: str = 'depth', use_index_binning: bool = False, chunk_dict: dict = {}) DataArray #
Locate and create a mask for transient noise using a pooling comparison.
- Parameters
- ds_Svxarray.Dataset
Calibrated Sv data with depth data variable.
- func: str, default “nanmedian”
Pooling function used in the pooled Sv aggregation.
- depth_binstr, default “10m”
Pooling bin size vertically along the vertical range variable (range_var).
- num_side_pingsint, default 25
Number of side pings to look at for the pooling.
- exclude_abovestr, default “250m”
Exclude all depth above (closer to the surface than) this value.
- transient_noise_thresholdstr, default “10.0dB”
Transient noise threshold value (dB) for the pooling comparison.
- range_varstr, default “depth”
Vertical Range Variable. Can be either depth or echo_range.
- use_index_binningbool, default False
Speeds up aggregations by assuming depth is uniform and binning based on range_sample indices instead of depth values.
- chunk_dictdict, default {}
Dictionary containing chunk sizes for use in the Dask-Image pooling function. Only used when use_index_binning=True.
- Returns
- xr.Dataset
Xarray boolean array transient noise mask.
This function’s implementation is based on the following text reference:
Ryan et al. (2015) Reducing bias due to noise and attenuation in open-ocean echo integration data, ICES Journal of Marine Science, 72: 2482–2493.
Additionally, this code was derived from echopy’s numpy single-channel implementation of transient noise masking and translated into xarray code: open-ocean-sounding/echopy # noqa
Default Transient Noise Mask Usage: Without using index binning along the vertical axis:
>>> mask_transient_noise( >>> ds_Sv >>> func="nanmean", >>> depth_bin = "10m", >>> num_side_pings = 25, >>> exclude_above = "250.0m", >>> transient_noise_threshold = "12.0dB", >>> range_var = "depth", >>> use_index_binning = False >>> )
Vertical Index Binning Transient Noise Mask Usage with Chunking across Vertical and Horizontal Axis:
>>> mask_transient_noise( >>> ds_Sv >>> func="nanmean", >>> depth_bin = "10m", >>> num_side_pings = 25, >>> exclude_above = "250.0m", >>> transient_noise_threshold = "12.0dB", >>> range_var = "depth", >>> use_index_binning = True, >>> chunk_dict = {"ping_time": 1000, "range_sample": 50} >>> )
To compute the pooled Sv, prior to the binning operation, the number of range sample indices needed to encapsulate “10m” will be calculated, and this number will be used to do a completely index based nanmean binning operation. This operation is exactly the same as applying a mean filter over an image, but in this case, it is applied to an Echogram.